.. _webui: Web UI ====== ``pjrpc`` supports integrated web UI as an extra dependency. Three UI types are supported: - SwaggerUI (``_) - RapiDoc (``_) - ReDoc (``_) Web UI extra dependency can be installed using the following code: .. code-block:: console $ pip install pjrpc[openapi-ui-bundles] To enable Web UI pass :py:class:`pjrpc.server.specs.openapi.SwaggerUI`, :py:class:`pjrpc.server.specs.openapi.RapiDoc` or :py:class:`pjrpc.server.specs.openapi.ReDoc` to a specification generator as a ``ui`` parameter. Web UI will be available at ``/ui/`` path. It can be overridden by passing ``ui_path`` parameter to the specification generator. .. code-block:: python json_rpc = AuthenticatedJsonRPC( '/api/v1', json_encoder=JSONEncoder, spec=specs.OpenAPI( info=specs.Info(version="1.0.0", title="User storage"), servers=[ specs.Server( url='', ), ], security_schemes=dict( basicAuth=specs.SecurityScheme( type=specs.SecuritySchemeType.HTTP, scheme='basic', ), ), security=[ dict(basicAuth=[]) ], schema_extractor=extractors.pydantic.PydanticSchemaExtractor(), ui=specs.SwaggerUI(), ), ) The following example illustrates how to configure specification generation and Swagger UI web tool with basic auth using flask web framework: .. code-block:: python import uuid from typing import Any, Optional import flask import flask_httpauth import pydantic import flask_cors from werkzeug import security import pjrpc.server.specs.extractors.pydantic from pjrpc.server.integration import flask as integration from pjrpc.server.validators import pydantic as validators from pjrpc.server.specs import extractors, openapi as specs app = flask.Flask('myapp') flask_cors.CORS(app, resources={"/myapp/api/v1/*": {"origins": "*"}}) methods = pjrpc.server.MethodRegistry() validator = validators.PydanticValidator() auth = flask_httpauth.HTTPBasicAuth() credentials = {"admin": security.generate_password_hash("admin")} @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username: str, password: str) -> Optional[str]: if username in credentials and security.check_password_hash(credentials.get(username), password): return username class AuthenticatedJsonRPC(integration.JsonRPC): @auth.login_required def _rpc_handle(self, dispatcher: pjrpc.server.Dispatcher) -> flask.Response: return super()._rpc_handle(dispatcher) class JSONEncoder(pjrpc.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(o, pydantic.BaseModel): return o.dict() if isinstance(o, uuid.UUID): return str(o) return super().default(o) class UserIn(pydantic.BaseModel): """ User registration data. """ name: str surname: str age: int class UserOut(UserIn): """ Registered user data. """ id: uuid.UUID class AlreadyExistsError(pjrpc.exc.JsonRpcError): """ User already registered error. """ code = 2001 message = "user already exists" class NotFoundError(pjrpc.exc.JsonRpcError): """ User not found error. """ code = 2002 message = "user not found" @specs.annotate( tags=['users'], errors=[AlreadyExistsError], examples=[ specs.MethodExample( summary="Simple example", params=dict( user={ 'name': 'John', 'surname': 'Doe', 'age': 25, }, ), result={ 'id': 'c47726c6-a232-45f1-944f-60b98966ff1b', 'name': 'John', 'surname': 'Doe', 'age': 25, }, ), ], ) @methods.add @validator.validate def add_user(user: UserIn) -> UserOut: """ Creates a user. :param object user: user data :return object: registered user :raise AlreadyExistsError: user already exists """ for existing_user in flask.current_app.users_db.values(): if user.name == existing_user.name: raise AlreadyExistsError() user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex flask.current_app.users_db[user_id] = user return UserOut(id=user_id, **user.dict()) @specs.annotate( tags=['users'], errors=[NotFoundError], examples=[ specs.MethodExample( summary='Simple example', params=dict( user_id='c47726c6-a232-45f1-944f-60b98966ff1b', ), result={ 'id': 'c47726c6-a232-45f1-944f-60b98966ff1b', 'name': 'John', 'surname': 'Doe', 'age': 25, }, ), ], ) @methods.add @validator.validate def get_user(user_id: uuid.UUID) -> UserOut: """ Returns a user. :param object user_id: user id :return object: registered user :raise NotFoundError: user not found """ user = flask.current_app.users_db.get(user_id) if not user: raise NotFoundError() return UserOut(**user.dict()) @specs.annotate( tags=['users'], errors=[NotFoundError], examples=[ specs.MethodExample( summary='Simple example', params=dict( user_id='c47726c6-a232-45f1-944f-60b98966ff1b', ), result=None, ), ], ) @methods.add @validator.validate def delete_user(user_id: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Deletes a user. :param object user_id: user id :raise NotFoundError: user not found """ user = flask.current_app.users_db.pop(user_id, None) if not user: raise NotFoundError() json_rpc = AuthenticatedJsonRPC( '/api/v1', json_encoder=JSONEncoder, spec=specs.OpenAPI( info=specs.Info(version="1.0.0", title="User storage"), servers=[ specs.Server( url='', ), ], security_schemes=dict( basicAuth=specs.SecurityScheme( type=specs.SecuritySchemeType.HTTP, scheme='basic', ), ), security=[ dict(basicAuth=[]) ], schema_extractor=extractors.pydantic.PydanticSchemaExtractor(), ui=specs.SwaggerUI(), # ui=specs.RapiDoc(), # ui=specs.ReDoc(), ), ) json_rpc.dispatcher.add_methods(methods) app.users_db = {} myapp = flask.Blueprint('myapp', __name__, url_prefix='/myapp') json_rpc.init_app(myapp) app.register_blueprint(myapp) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(port=8080) Specification is available on http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/v1/openapi.json Web UI is running on http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/v1/ui/ Swagger UI: ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../_static/swagger-ui-screenshot.png :width: 1024 :alt: OpenAPI full example RapiDoc: ~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../_static/rapidoc-screenshot.png :width: 1024 :alt: OpenAPI cli example ReDoc: ~~~~~~ .. image:: ../_static/redoc-screenshot.png :width: 1024 :alt: OpenAPI method example