

pjrpc implements pytest plugin that simplifies JSON-RPC requests mocking. Look at the following test example:

import pytest
from unittest import mock

import pjrpc
from pjrpc.client.integrations.pytest import PjRpcAiohttpMocker
from pjrpc.client.backend import aiohttp as aiohttp_client

async def test_using_fixture(pjrpc_aiohttp_mocker):
    client = aiohttp_client.Client('http://localhost/api/v1')

    pjrpc_aiohttp_mocker.add('http://localhost/api/v1', 'sum', result=2)
    result = await client.proxy.sum(1, 1)
    assert result == 2

        'http://localhost/api/v1', 'sum', error=pjrpc.exc.JsonRpcError(code=1, message='error', data='oops')
    with pytest.raises(pjrpc.exc.JsonRpcError) as exc_info:
        await client.proxy.sum(a=1, b=1)

    assert exc_info.type is pjrpc.exc.JsonRpcError
    assert exc_info.value.code == 1
    assert exc_info.value.message == 'error'
    assert exc_info.value.data == 'oops'

    localhost_calls = pjrpc_aiohttp_mocker.calls['http://localhost/api/v1']
    assert localhost_calls[('2.0', 'sum')].call_count == 2
    assert localhost_calls[('2.0', 'sum')].mock_calls == [mock.call(1, 1), mock.call(a=1, b=1)]

async def test_using_resource_manager():
    client = aiohttp_client.Client('http://localhost/api/v1')

    with PjRpcAiohttpMocker() as mocker:
        mocker.add('http://localhost/api/v1', 'div', result=2)
        result = await client.proxy.div(4, 2)
        assert result == 2

        localhost_calls = mocker.calls['http://localhost/api/v1']
        assert localhost_calls[('2.0', 'div')].mock_calls == [mock.call(4, 2)]

For testing server-side code you should use framework-dependant utils and fixtures. Since pjrpc can be easily extended you are free from writing JSON-RPC protocol related code.


Testing aiohttp server code is very straightforward:

import uuid

from aiohttp import web

import pjrpc.server
from pjrpc.server.integration import aiohttp
from pjrpc.client.backend import aiohttp as pjrpc_aiohttp_client

methods = pjrpc.server.MethodRegistry()

async def sum(request: web.Request, a, b):
    return a + b

jsonrpc_app = aiohttp.Application('/api/v1')

async def test_sum(aiohttp_client, loop):
    session = await aiohttp_client(jsonrpc_app.app)
    client = pjrpc_aiohttp_client.Client('http://localhost/api/v1', session=session)

    result = await client.sum(a=1, b=1)
    assert result == 2


For flask it stays the same:

import uuid

import flask

from pjrpc.server.integration import flask as integration
from pjrpc.client.backend import requests as pjrpc_client

methods = pjrpc.server.MethodRegistry()

def sum(request: web.Request, a, b):
    return a + b

app = flask.Flask(__name__)
json_rpc = integration.JsonRPC('/api/v1')

def test_sum():
    with app.test_client() as c:
        client = pjrpc_client.Client('http://localhost/api/v1', session=c)
        result = await client.sum(a=1, b=1)
        assert result == 2