Source code for pjrpc.common.exceptions

Definition of package exceptions and JSON-RPC protocol errors.

import typing
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type

from pjrpc.common.typedefs import Json

from .common import UNSET, MaybeSet

[docs]class BaseError(Exception): """ Base package error. All package errors are inherited from it. """
[docs]class IdentityError(BaseError): """ Raised when a batch requests/responses identifiers are not unique or missing. """
[docs]class DeserializationError(BaseError, ValueError): """ Request/response deserializatoin error. Raised when request/response json has incorrect format. """
[docs]class JsonRpcErrorMeta(type): """ :py:class:`pjrpc.common.exceptions.JsonRpcError` metaclass. Builds a mapping from an error code number to an error class inherited from a :py:class:`pjrpc.common.exceptions.JsonRpcError`. """ __errors_mapping__: Dict[int, Type['JsonRpcError']] = {} def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> Type['JsonRpcError']: cls: Type['JsonRpcError'] = typing.cast(Type['JsonRpcError'], super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)) if hasattr(cls, 'code') and cls.code is not None: mcs.__errors_mapping__[cls.code] = cls return cls
[docs]class JsonRpcError(BaseError, metaclass=JsonRpcErrorMeta): """ `JSON-RPC <>`_ protocol error. For more information see `Error object <>`_. All JSON-RPC protocol errors are inherited from it. :param code: number that indicates the error type :param message: short description of the error :param data: value that contains additional information about the error. May be omitted. """ # a number that indicates the error type that occurred code: int = None # type: ignore[assignment] # a string providing a short description of the error. # the message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence. message: str = None # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_data: 'Json') -> 'JsonRpcError': """ Deserializes an error from json data. If data format is not correct :py:class:`ValueError` is raised. :param json_data: json data the error to be deserialized from :returns: deserialized error :raises: :py:class:`pjrpc.common.exceptions.DeserializationError` if format is incorrect """ try: if not isinstance(json_data, dict): raise DeserializationError("data must be of type dict") code = json_data['code'] if not isinstance(code, int): raise DeserializationError("field 'code' must be of type integer") message = json_data['message'] if not isinstance(message, str): raise DeserializationError("field 'message' must be of type string") error_class = cls.get_error_cls(code, cls) return error_class(code, message, json_data.get('data', UNSET)) except KeyError as e: raise DeserializationError(f"required field {e} not found") from e
@classmethod def get_error_cls(cls, code: int, default: Type['JsonRpcError']) -> Type['JsonRpcError']: return type(cls).__errors_mapping__.get(code, default) def __init__(self, code: Optional[int] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, data: MaybeSet[Any] = UNSET): assert code or self.code, "code is not provided" assert message or self.message, "message is not provided" self.code = code or self.code self.message = message or self.message = data super().__init__(code, message) def __str__(self) -> str: return "({code}) {message}".format(code=self.code, message=self.message) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{class_name}(code={code}, message={message}, data={data})".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, code=repr(self.code), message=repr(self.message), data=repr(, ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, JsonRpcError): return NotImplemented return (self.code, self.message, == (other.code, other.message,
[docs] def to_json(self) -> 'Json': """ Serializes the error to a dict. :returns: serialized error """ json: Dict[str, Any] = { 'code': self.code, 'message': self.message, } if is not UNSET: json.update( return json
[docs]class ClientError(JsonRpcError): """ Raised when a client sent an incorrect request. """
[docs]class ParseError(ClientError): """ Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. """ code = -32700 message = 'Parse error'
[docs]class InvalidRequestError(ClientError): """ The JSON sent is not a valid request object. """ code = -32600 message = 'Invalid Request'
[docs]class MethodNotFoundError(ClientError): """ The method does not exist / is not available. """ code = -32601 message = 'Method not found'
[docs]class InvalidParamsError(ClientError): """ Invalid method parameter(s). """ code = -32602 message = 'Invalid params'
[docs]class InternalError(JsonRpcError): """ Internal JSON-RPC error. """ code = -32603 message = 'Internal error'
[docs]class ServerError(JsonRpcError): """ Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. Codes from -32000 to -32099. """ code = -32000 message = 'Server error'